Monday, April 9, 2012

Session 18 (5 April 2012)

- Operating System is a program that manages all the application software and hardware resources in a computer.

- Functions of Operating System
  -> Starting a computer
  -> Providing using interface
  -> Managing data
  -> Managing memory
  -> Configuring devices

- Booting is to load and initialize the operating system on a computer machine. It happens in two ways, which is warm boot and cold boot.

Session 17 (3 April 2012)

Ports - Point which peripheral attaches to a system unit

CPU interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) perform all arithmetic and logical operations

Session 16 (30 March 2012)

- 1KB = 1024 Bytes
- 1MB = 1048576 Bytes
- 1GB = 1073741824 Bytes
- 1TB = 1099511627776 Bytes

- Clock speed = Hertz

- 1.0 GHz = 1000 MHz

Session 15 (27 March 2012)

- We learn new area today, which is Area 2.

- The title for Area 2 is Computer System.

- We have to do lesson plan for Learning Area 2.

- IPC stands for Information Processing Cycle.

- CPU is a processor. It acts as the brain in computer.

- Defintion of:
  Computer System - combination of components designed to process data and store files.

  Input - any data or instruction that we enter into the computer system for processing.

  Output - data that has been processed into a useful form, called information.

  Storage - a location which data, information and instruction are held for future.

- CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

- RAM stands for Random Access Memory.

- Mr. Z says that ICT contribution is very important.

Session 14 (8 March 2012)

- Mr.Z wants us add PIBG Facebook page so that we can get extra marks.

Session 13 (6 March 2012)

- Today Mr. Z is not around. So we done our presentation in the class.